Wednesday, November 16, 2005

what is JMT using as far as electric guitars, amps and effects?

This question came in from Jerry F. On tour JMT is using a Matchless C30 head with the matching 1x12 cabinet as well as a PodXT. The Matchless head lives on stage right next to John Michael. The cabinet lives offstage in an isolation box that I built custom for this purpose. The ISO box has a microphone inside connected to an external jack which gets fed to me at the house console. The Pod comes to me direct from its line out. The Pod is primarily a backup in case we have an amp problem but I sometimes mix it in with the Matchless. JMT's pedal board has a bunch of stuff on it but the primary devices are a compulator, standard blues driver, modded blues driver and a delay (I don't recall which right now). On this leg John Michael played primarily his Telecaster (with pull string mod) and, for Beautiful City, the Gretsch White Falcon mentioned earlier in the blog. Hope that's a start Jerry! Perhaps at a later date I'll document JMTs effect setup with a little more detail. To tell the truth though, he could play straight through his little Victoria practice amp and it would still sound great.


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