Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Leg over....

It is with much shame that I report that this leg of the tour has ended and I have barely blogged at all. If you've looked here for updates and found none, I apologise profusely. Truth is I've just been worn out this trip and haven't had the time and energy to devote to blogging.
As I write this I'm sitting on the bus (actually our second bus this trip, the first one broke down) and I'm online while we're rolling! The bus company gave us a wireless, roaming internet connection to try out for our last couple days. It's pretty scary that this is even possible. I remember when a 2400baud dial up connection was fast. Now here I am surfing at high speed from a moving vehicle. A few nights ago we met a bartender who had toured in the early '90s. She told us that their busses had few of the amenities that we now enjoy. No sattelite, no tv's in each bunk. Of course much of that stuff breaks down on the road but overall we have it pretty good. None of it however can replace a good night's sleep, or time at home with your family.
Our last couple concerts were very successful. Both Dover and Memphis were well attended. Both sponsors were models for how to put on a JMT concert.
I've taken a whole bunch of pictures in the past couple weeks. I hope to get a few more up here for everyone soon.
JMT's new album, Beautiful City will be released this summer so the next tour will include some new material. Rehearsals begin toward the end of August and the next leg will take us out west, starting in Arizona. Stay tuned for more updates.


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