Friday, September 05, 2008

Onward to Shakopee

Well, it's about 10am Friday. We left Trudy's house in Perham, Minnesota this morning after a terrific concert last night. It was a fun few days in Perham with a whole bunch of new friends. Trudy, of course, who put us up in her beautiful home and looked after us. Debbie who sponsored the concert, wrangled all the details, asked me my for my story and was patient(foolish) enough to sit and listen to it. Jeff (Debbie's husband) who gave up his car for us for three days, schlepped gear, and donated his guitar stand to the cause. Trudy's mom, Audrey, smiling for everyone. Tom, Sophie, Wayne, Judy, Terry and at least a dozen others who's names escape me who entertained us, loaded/unloaded gear, sold merchandise, ushered etc, etc, etc. It's hard when you spend a few days someplace, kind of like going to camp as a kid. You make all these new friends and end up not wanting to leave. But leave we must and today we're logistically challenged as we head to the Minneapolis area in the midst of the Republican convention. We've got a quick turn around today heading right out after the concert for Wisconsin. Keep reading here for more updates and pictures as I have time. If you haven't already, check JMT's Calendar for concert dates in your area.


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